I've published a lot of papers during my time being a scientist. Mostly these papers are about GIS/Remote sensing/Cartography applied to various fields, from archaeology to climate science, as long as technical papers about new algorithms and stuff like that. Some of these papers still have sense and could be useful. If you want to discuss any of them or request full text, feel free to contact me.
From time to time I also publish some things in the internet outside this blog. I also keep them in this list.
A machine learning approach for remote sensing data gap-filling with open-source implementation: An example regarding land surface temperature, surface albedo and NDVI, Mikhail Sarafanov, Eduard Kazakov, Nikolay O Nikitin, Anna V Kalyuzhnaya // Remote Sensing. 2020; 12(23):3865
Sea ice drift tracking from sequential SAR images using accelerated-KAZE features, Denis Demchev, Vladimir Volkov, Eduard Kazakov, Pablo F Alcantarilla, Stein Sandven, Viktoriya Khmeleva // IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 55, no. 9, pp. 5174-5184, Sept. 2017
A deep history within a small wetland: 13 000 years of human-environment relations on the East European Plain, Piotr Kittel, Andrey Mazurkevich, Emilie Gauthier, Eduard Kazakov, Yuriy Kublitskiy, Monika Rzodkiewicz, Agnieszka Mroczkowska, Daniel Okupny, Jacek Szmańda, Ekaterina Dolbunova // Antiquity, 97(391), e3, 2023
A synthetic satellite dataset of the spatio-temporal distributions of Emiliania huxleyi blooms and their impacts on Arctic and sub-Arctic marine environments (1998–2016), Dmitry Kondrik, Eduard Kazakov, and Dmitry Pozdnyakov // Earth System Science Data, 11, 119–128, 2019
«This stone which I have set up as a pillar will be God’s house»: about the methodology of developing the information system «The early byzantine churches of Syria», E. K. Blokhin, A. Yu. Vinogradov, D. D. Elshin, E. E. Kazakov, N.F. Solovyova // Transactions of the Institute for the History of Material Culture RAS nо. 30–31, pp 56-71 (in Russian)
Getting started with raster geodata using GDAL/Python tools, Eduard Kazakov //, 2024 (in Russian)
A deep history within a small wetland: 13 000 years of human-environment relations on the East European Plain, Piotr Kittel, Andrey Mazurkevich, Emilie Gauthier, Eduard Kazakov, Yuriy Kublitskiy, Monika Rzodkiewicz, Agnieszka Mroczkowska, Daniel Okupny, Jacek Szmańda, Ekaterina Dolbunova // Antiquity, 97(391), e3, 2023
Open-Source Software Implementation and Validation of the Split-Window Method for Automated Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Landsat 8 Data, EE Kazakov, Yu I Borisova // Izv. Atmos. Ocean. Phys. 57, 1171–1178, 2021
Moscow dachas: Will the second home become the first?, AG Makhrova, RA Babkin, PL Kirillov, EE Kazakov // Regional Research of Russia, 11, 555-568, 2021
A machine learning approach for remote sensing data gap-filling with open-source implementation: An example regarding land surface temperature, surface albedo and NDVI, Mikhail Sarafanov, Eduard Kazakov, Nikolay O Nikitin, Anna V Kalyuzhnaya // Remote Sensing. 2020; 12(23):3865
Prototype Spatio-temporal Predictive System of pest development of the codling moth, in Kazakhstan, A Afonin, B Kopzhassarov, E Milyutina, E Kazakov, A Sarbassova, A Seisenova // Hellenic Plant Protection Journal, 13, 1, pp 1-12, 2020
Geodetic mass balance of Vöring Glacier, Western Spitsbergen, in 2013–2019, AV Terekhov, VE Demidov, EE Kazakov, MA Anisimov, SR Verkulich // Earth`s Cryosphere, 2020, Vol. XXIV, № 5, p. 47-54
Evaluation of the SREM atmospheric correction algorithm applicability to time series analysis using Landsat data example and its open source software implementation, E. Kazakov, Y. Borisova // Modern Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 17, 2, pp 30-39, 2020 (in Russian)
The Dynamics of the Day and Night Population as an Indicator of Structural and Functional Changes in the Territory of the City in the Zone of Influence of the Moscow Central Ring Using Data from Mobile Operators, A. G. Makhrova, R. A. Babkin, E. E. Kazakov // Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. Center for Crisis Society Studies, vol. 13(1), 2020 (in Russian)
Landscape, seasonality and natural resources use in the 3rd millennium BC by pile-dwelling communities (NW Russia), Andrey N Mazurkevich, Mikhail V Sablin, Ekaterina V Dolbunova, Piotr Kittel, Yolaine Maigrot, Eduard Kazakov // Settling Waterscapes in Europe. The Archaeology of Neolithic and Bronze Age Pile-Dwellings, 2020
Palaeoenvironmental development of the accumulative fan in Western Russia from the Little Ice Age to the present time // EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 1097, 2020
Streamflow prediction in ungauged basins: benchmarking the efficiency of deep learning, G Ayzel, L Kurochkina, E Kazakov, S Zhuravlev // E3S Web of Conferences 163, 01001, 2020
Modeling water level using downstream river water level observations and machine learning methods, M Sarafanov, E Kazakov, Y Borisova // E3S Web of Conferences 163, 01009, 2020
Automated short-term forecast system based on open-source hydrological models for the Tikhvinka river (Leningrad region of Russia), Eduard Kazakov, Kirill Shemanaev, Sergey Zhuravlev, Mikhail Sarafanov, Yulia Borisova, Lyubov Kurochkina // E3S Web of Conferences 163, 02002, 2020
Web GIS for analysis of the past and future of the climate and hydrological conditions in the North-West of Russia, Eduard Kazakov, Sergey Zhuravlev, Lyubov Kurochkina, Georgy Ayzel // E3S Web of Conferences 163, 05005, 2020
Compact scalable automated system for short-term hydrological forecasting and its operation on the example of the Tikhvinka river (Leningrad region), Kazakov E.E., Zhuravlev S.A., Shemanaev K.V. // MGO 2020 conference proceedings, 2020 (in Russian)
An approach to remote sensing data gap-filling using spatial dependencies and machine learning techniques, Sarafanov M.I., Kazakov E.E., Nikitin N.O., Kalyuzhnaya A.V. // Earth and Space conference proceedings, 87-90, 2020
A set of open-source python libraries for advanced automatic Landsat data processing, E. Kazakov, Y. Borisova // Modern problems of Earth remote sensing conference, 2020 (in Russian)
Reconstruction of missing values in satellite images by machine learning methods on the example of Earth surface temperature data, M. Sarafanov, E. Kazakov // Modern problems of Earth remote sensing conference, 2020 (in Russian)
Algorithm of automated selection of water objects by segmentation and classification methods under joint use of Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 satellite data, Y. Borisova, E. Kazakov // Modern problems of Earth remote sensing conference, 2020 (in Russian)
Geoinformation system for hydrological monitoring and forecasting support in Northern Dvina river watershed basin, Kazakov E.E., Goroshkova N.I., Georgievskiy D.V. // Current problems of hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring in the CIS region conference, 2020 (in Russian)
Application of machine learning methods for linking water levels on upstream and downstream river sections, Sarafanov M.I., Kazakov E.E., Borisova Y.I. // International scientific meeting in memory of outstanding Russian hydrologist Yury Vinogradov, 2020 (in Russian)
Automated system of short-term hydrological forecasting based on open-source conceptual models (Tikhvinka River case study), Kazakov E.E., Shemanaev K.V., Zhuravlev S.A., Sarafanov M.I., Borisova Y.I., Kurochkina L.S. // International scientific meeting in memory of outstanding Russian hydrologist Yury Vinogradov, 2020 (in Russian)
Analytical geoinformation web service about the past and future of the hydrological regime and climate in the North-West of Russia, Kazakov E.E., Zhuravlev S.A., Kurochkina L.S., Ayzel G.V. // International scientific meeting in memory of outstanding Russian hydrologist Yury Vinogradov, 2020 (in Russian)
A synthetic satellite dataset of the spatio-temporal distributions of Emiliania huxleyi blooms and their impacts on Arctic and sub-Arctic marine environments (1998–2016), Dmitry Kondrik, Eduard Kazakov, and Dmitry Pozdnyakov // Earth System Science Data, 11, 119–128, 2019
Satellite evidence for enhancement of the column mixing ratio of atmospheric CO2 over E. Huxleyi blooms, D. Kondrik, E. Kazakov, D. Pozdnyakov, O. Johannessen // // Transactions of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 9. 2019. P. 125–135
Environmental conditions favoring coccolithophore blooms in subarctic and arctic seas: a 20-year satellite and multi-dimensional statistical study, Dmitry Pozdnyakov, Dmitry Kondrik, Eduard Kazakov, Svetlana Chepikova // Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, Coastal Waters, and Large Water Regions, 2019
Palmyra in time and space, N. Solovieva, S. Soloviev, E. Blokhin, E. Kazakov // The Past of Mankind in the Works of St. Petersburg Archaeologists at the Turn of the Millennium (To the 100th Anniversary of the Creation of Russian Academic Archaeology), 2019 (in Russian)
Principles and methods of a digital medium scale soil map creation of the Leningrad region, Elena Yu Sukhacheva, Boris F Aparin, Tatyana A Andreeva, Eduard E Kazakov, Margarita A Lazareva // Vestnik Sankt-Petersburgskogo Universiteta, Seriya Geologiya i Geografiya 64(1):100-113, 2019 (in Russian)
UAV photosurveying method for glacier monitoring during ablation season: Potanin and Alexandra glaciers, Mongolian Altai mountains, Bliakharskii D.P., Volgusheva N.E., Kazakov E.E. // News of higher educational institutions. Geodesy and aerial photography, 63, 2, 2019 (in Russian)
Geoinformation web service for analysis and visualization of data on climate and hydrological regime of the North-West of Russia, Kazakov E.E., Zhuravlev S.A., Kurochkina L.S., Ayzel G.V. // Hydrometeorology and ecology: scientific and educational achievements and perspectives, 2019 (in Russian)
Identification of sites of thermal pollution and overgrowth with aquatic macrophytes of the neva bay with geoinformation methods according to remote sensing data, Y. Borisova, E. Kazakov // GeoCa 2019 (in Russian)
Geoinformational web-platform for hydrological and climate data interactive analysis (Russia, North-West region), Kazakov E.E., Zhuravlev S.A., Kurochkina L.S., Ayzel G.V. // GeoCa 2019 (in Russian)
Algorithm developing for automated mapping of objects on radar images on theexample of the problem of monitoring sea ice, Kolyuk K.V., Kazakov E.E. // GeoCa 2019 (in Russian)
Open-source python implementation of SREM atmospheric correction algorithm for Landsat data, Kazakov E., Borisova Y. // // GeoCa 2019 (in Russian)
Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions for the Neolithic pile-dwelling Serteya II site case study, Western Russia, Piotr Kittel, Andrey Mazurkevich, Ekaterina Dolbunova, Eduard Kazakov, Agnieszka Mroczkowska, Elena Pavlovskaia, Wiktor Piech, Mateusz Płóciennik, Jerzy Sikora, Yulia Teltevskaya, Magda Wieckowska-Lüth // Acta Geographica Lodziensia, 107, pp 191-213
Spatial data assimilation with a service-based GIS infrastructure for mapping and
analysis of E. huxleyi blooms in arctic seas, Kazakov E., Kondrik D., Pozdnyakov D., // Proc. SPIE 10773, Sixth International Conference on Remote Sensing and
Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2018), 107730S, 2018
The efficiency of E. huxleyi blooms in dissolved CO2 and particulate inorganic carbon production in the northern hemisphere: a 1998-2016 satellite study, Dmitry Pozdnyakov, Dmitry Kondrik, Eduard Kazakov // EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 2018
Statistical analysis of E. huxleyi bloom dynamics driven by atmospheric and oceanic factors in polar and subpolar regions, Dmitry Kondrik, Dmitry Pozdnyakov, Eduard Kazakov // EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 2018
Sea ice drift tracking from sequential SAR images using accelerated-KAZE features, Denis Demchev, Vladimir Volkov, Eduard Kazakov, Pablo F Alcantarilla, Stein Sandven, Viktoriya Khmeleva // IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 55, no. 9, pp. 5174-5184, Sept. 2017
Feature tracking for sea ice drift retrieval from SAR images, Denis Demchev, Vladimir Volkov, Eduard Kazakov, Stein Sandven // 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)
A Monitoring System of Ice Conditions to Support Geological Surveying in Arctic Seas, Volkov, V. A., Kazakov, E. E., Demchev, D. M., Zakhvatkina, N. Y., Khmeleva, V. S., // In Geomodel 2017. doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.201702212
Sea ice drift retrieval from SAR using feature tracking, D.M. Demchev, V.A. Volkov, V.S. Khmeleva, E.E. Kazakov // Problems of Arctic and Antarctic, 3 (109), 5-19, 2016 (in Russian)
Problems and challenges of educational process in training of cartographers and specialists in geoinformatics at St. Petersburg State University, Sidorina I., Kazakov E., Pozdnyakova N., Zolotova T., Andreeva T. // Izvestiya Vuzov «Geodesy and aerophotosurveying», 60(5), 68-71, 2016
Regional geoportal “Nevsky kray”: structure, content and development technologies, T. A. Andreeva, T. I. Zolotova, E. E. Kazakov, E. G. Kapralov, O. A. Lazebnik, M. V. Litvinova, E. A. Panidi, T. M. Petrova, I. E. Sidorina, A. V. Terekhov, K. V. Chistyakov // Vestnik of Saint-Petersburg University. Geology, Geography, 2015. - No 3. - 37-83,
WPS-based technology for client-side remote sensing data processing, Kazakov E., Terekhov A., Kapralov E., Panidi E. // International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2015. — Vol. XL-7/W3, — P. 643-649